Search for the perfect cupcake - Subversive cupcakes

From my great mate and esteemed food writer Alison Cotes, in Theologian-at-Large mode, came this innovative suggestion for Subversive Nipple Cupcakes. Alison suggests these as great for church fetes or after-Sunday-service coffee in the crypt.

Alison says - "Make your favourite cup-cake recipe,  you don’t need me to give you one. (Search E,D+bK for a cupcake recipe). Some cakes should be flat, some pointy and some rounded. Ice some with pink, some with different shades of brown, and some with sunburn-red. DIY colours. What do you think all those artificial food dyes in the supermarket are for? Top with the appropriately-coloured red glace cherry. You can boil some in coffee for a deeper colour. Serve with a sheepish smile and not even the starchiest vicar or narrow-minded prude will get the symbolism."

Here's a challenge.  Make the cupcakes and send E,D+bK a photo!